To optimize a PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel or JPEG file (or .zip archive containing any of these file types) from within Windows Explorer, simply right-click it and select what you would like to do from the ‘NXPowerLite’ sub-menu. You can select up to 10,000 files at any one time.
Options for files NXPowerLite can optimize
For PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, JPEG, PNG, TIFF & zip file(s) the following one-click options will be available by right-clicking the file in Windows Explorer or Finder.
Create optimized copy
Will optimize the file (s) immediately; creating a copy of the original file in the same folder.
Backup and replace original
Will optimize the file (s) immediately; replacing the original file and creating a backup in the same folder.
Replace original
Will optimize the file (s) immediately; replacing the original file without creating a backup.
Optimize and zip
Will optimize the file(s) immediately and collect the optimized version(s) in a zip archive. A dialog will open allowing you to choose the name and where to save the zip file.
Optimize and email
Will optimize the file(s) immediately and attach them to a new email message in the default email client.
Optimize and email (zipped) [Windows only]
Will optimize and zip file(s) immediately and then attach the zip archive to a new email message in the default client.
Add to NXPowerLite
Opens NXPowerLite main screen and adds the file(s) ready for optimizing. If NXPowerLite is already open the file(s) will be added to the list.
Options for Office XML files (Windows Only)
Analyze with 7-zip
This option opens the file in 7-zip. This allows the user to track down the large content within the file. It helps when NXPowerLite is not able to reduce the content automatically. Read this support article for more information on how to troubleshoot files that don't reduce.
Options for all file types
All file types will have the following options in Windows Explorer.
Send to Zip file
Will collect the file(s) and zip it immediately. A dialog will open allowing you to choose the name and where to save the zip file.
Send to mail recipient (zipped)
Will zip the file(s) immediately and then attach the zip archive to a new email message in the default client.
Configuring a custom Optimize profile to use with Explorer or Finder
By default, NXPowerLite will use default settings when you choose to compress your files using the right-click menu. You can instead use any custom profile of your choice by configuring the Always use these settings with Explorer/Finder in the preferences. Once the setting is enabled you can choose a pre-configured Optimize Profile to always use from Explorer or Finder.
Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
All NXPowerLite options in Windows Explorer can be accessed by shortcut keys. Select a file and then click Shift & F10 to enable the accessibility menu and then use the underlined shortcut keys along with the arrow keys to navigate the NXPowerLite options.
Note: When this setting is enabled NXPowerLite will always create copies or backups in the same folder as the original, there is no option to change this behavior.