Getting started with Slidewise
What is Slidewise?
Read Getting Started with Slidewise for more in-depth details.
Is Slidewise free and how do I try it?
Slidewise is free to try for 30 days and during this evaluation period, all the features are completely unrestricted. After 30 days Slidewise will expire and cannot be used unless registration details, obtained by purchasing a license, are entered in the software.
Visit our downloads page to download the 30-day free trial of Slidewise. It is available for 64-bit versions of Windows. If you have a 32-bit installation of Windows then please contact us for a download link.
How do I register Slidewise?
To register Slidewise follow these 3 steps:
- After Slidewise has been successfully installed, open any PowerPoint file
- Navigate to the Slidewise tab in PowerPoint and click the Enter key button.
- Enter your details exactly as provided on the confirmation email we sent you upon purchase.
How do I stop Slidewise from opening automatically?
- Open the Slidewise tab and click on the Preferences button
- Uncheck the option "Show the Slidewise pane when opening a presentation"
Why does Slidewise not have a desktop icon?
With what OS is Slidewise Compatible?
Slidewise works on Windows 8.1 or later. You will need to ensure that .NET version 4.7.2 is already installed on your PC otherwise you cannot install Slidewise.
Slidewise is not available for Mac computers. Office for Mac is not built to allow for extracting the required information from each PowerPoint File.
Is there a Mac version of Slidewise?
Unfortunately, Slidewise is not available for Office for Mac.
To explain why: There are a number of different ways that applications can integrate with PowerPoint, each having its own set of strengths and weaknesses. To achieve the rich user interface and powerful features of Slidewise, we had to use technology (COM add-ins) which Microsoft has unfortunately not made available on Mac versions of Office. This situation might change at some point in the future, but sadly at the moment, a Mac version of Slidewise is not feasible.
On what versions of Office does Slidewise work?
Slidewise works with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office 2016 or later. Slidewise will also work with installed versions of Office 365/Microsoft 365.
Slidewise cannot be used in the web version of Office 365/Microsoft 365.
What files does Slidewise support?
Slidewise works with any of the following XML PowerPoint extensions saved on disk:
- .pptx, .pptm, .ppsx, .ppsm, .potx, .potm, .ppam