We suggest using 3rd party software AppCleaner to delete all the related NXPowerLite files in one easy step. If you use this option then either make a copy of or download the uninstall script for use after running AppCleaner. The steps for cleaning with AppCleaner are as follows:
- If not already installed, please install NXPowerLite Desktop.
- Make a copy of the uninstall.command script in the NXPowerLite Desktop folder inside Applications. Place it on your desktop.
- Drag the NXPowerLite application from the applications folder onto AppCleaner
- Run the uninstall script in the Applications folder (or the one you saved on your desktop).
If you have deleted it then you can download and try it from the corresponding downloads
- Run AppCleaner
If you are unable to use that App then please find and remove the following files (if they exist):
- /Applications/NXPowerLite Desktop/NXPowerLite Desktop.app
NXPowerLite Desktop.app - /Applications/NXPowerLite Desktop
- /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Scripts/com.NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop.NXPowerFinderExtension
- /Users/USERNAME /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/NXPowerLite Desktop_9E4CF082-73BD-5256-9309-DB4D7ED9AD4B.plist
- /Users/USERNAME /Library/Application Support
- /Users/USERNAME /Library/Caches/com.NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop
- /Users/USERNAME /Library/Containers/com.NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop.NXPowerFinderExtension
- /Users/USERNAME /Library/Group Containers/com.NeuxPower
- /Users/USERNAME /Library/Preferences/com.NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop.plist
- /private/var/db/receipts/com/NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop.pkg.bom
- /private/var/db/receipts/com/NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop.pkg.plist
- /private/var/folders/XX/lj688_r92gl77tg71b8bk40h0000gn/C/com.NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop
- /private/var/folders/XX/lj688_r92gl77tg71b8bk40h0000gn/C/com.NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop.NXPowerFinderExtension
- /private/var/folders/XX/lj688_r92gl77tg71b8bk40h0000gn/T/com.NeuxPower.NXPowerLite-Desktop.NXPowerFinderExtension
Where USERNAME is the name of your Mac user and XX is a randomly generated identifier (you'll need to check each folder inside 'folders' for references to NXPowerFinderExtension and delete each).
Once these steps are complete your Mac is cleaned of NXPowerLite Desktop and you can install new versions without issue.
Resolve error message: You already have a different NXPowerLite product installed
This problem occurs during the installation of NXPowerLite Desktop for Mac if it detects an incomplete uninstallation of a previous version of the software. Click here for instructions on fixing this error.