The registration key you are using does not match the product you are trying to unlock. Please check the email which you received from us with your registration key for confirmation of your product and version number along with download links to the matching software.
NXPowerLite Desktop users can use our automated reminder service to recover their registration details.
Older Registration Keys
If you have a key for an older version and it will not unlock the software you installed, you have two options
1. Switch to the latest software by purchasing an upgrade at our online store:
2. Uninstall the latest software and visit this page to download an older version of NXPowerLite which relates to the registration key.
Newer registration keys
It is possible to enter a key which is for a newer major version of NXPowerLite. The software will work as normal but there will be a warning displayed in the About dialog. We recommend always using the latest software to get the best experience, so please download and install the latest version.
Latest software download links:
Still need some help?
If you can't find the appropriate software for your registration key, please contact us providing the registration key you are using and we will be happy to help.