It is only possible in PowerPoint to see details for slide transitions one at a time. However, with Slidewise you can now see an overview of all the transitions used in a presentation, along with all the pertinent details on each transition, so you can quickly spot errors.
It also allows you to easily focus on transitions you need to edit based on type, effect, duration etc. and make changes to them all at once. For example, you can select all the FadeSmoothly transitions and change their duration from 0:50 to 1:00.
Here's how to use Slidewise to view and edit transitions
Click on the Slide Selection tab button in Slidewise and then select Transitions using the column selector button.
In this view you can see each slide by number, transition with effect as well as duration In addition, if a transition is set to advance automatically, the timing for that appears in the Auto column.
Click the header to sort the list on that column - click it again to reverse the sort. You can use this to bring the transitions you want to edit together.
Alternatively, you can click the filter button that appears when you hover over a heading and select the specific transitions you want to edit.
Hold Ctrl/Shift + click to select the slides you want to edit in Slidewise. This will automatically switch to the Transitions tab in the ribbon where you can make your changes to the selected slides.
Click the Refresh button to see your changes reflected in Slidewise. For this example, we’ve changed the transitions for these slides from PushUp to PageCurlDoubleLeft.