The following processes are associated with NXPowerLite Server
- RunCoordinator.exe
- FileServer.exe
- Optimizer.exe
- PauseUtility.exe
RunCoordinator.exe (only one instance is possible)
This is the main 'backend' of the software and runs the other three executables. It is responsible for all communication between the system and the software and between individual modules. It runs when NXPowerLite Server is processing files or the Dashboard is open.
FileServer.exe (only one instance is possible)
This is active when the NXPowerLite Dashboard is in use. This allows the user to configure the jobs and it passes the information back to the RunCoordinator.
Optimizer.exe (multiple instances are possible)
This is the process that optimizes files. The number of optimizers is set in the UI and these run in parallel. Runcoordinator.exe controls the list of files to be optimized and gathers data about what happened during optimization. e.g. success or what type of failure. How to configure the number of optimizer proceses
PauseUtility.exe (only one instance is possible)
This process is used when a schedule is set. It controls when optimization can occur.