Current Tag Viewer Version 7.0.9
Any files optimized by NXPowerLite software will have a small tag added to its header. This tag is used by NXPowerLite to avoid re-optimizing files and to provide an audit trail showing what files NXPowerLite has edited.
Note: In NXPowerLite Server 10 you can see how each file was processed by using the View File History feature.
The tag viewer tool finds all files in the <folder_path> specified and recursively parses all sub-folders. If any supported and optimized files are found (except tiff files), then their NXPowerLite file tag data is written to the output CSV file. If any supported files are found that have not yet been optimized, their file names and sizes are written to the output file. At the end of the process, the output file is automatically opened in the default application associated with .csv files. The output file is written to the same directory that contains the nxtagview.cmd file. The output file name will be 'nxtagview_documents.csv' where 'documents' is the folder name of the root folder being parsed.
Download the latest version of the nxTagViewer software
Unzip the contents of into a folder.
Open a command prompt in the extracted folder and run the tool as follows:
nxtagview.cmd <folder_path>
Example: nxtagview.cmd "c:\users\me\documents"
Please note: Folder paths should not include a trailing slash as this will cause it to fail.
Tag information
The following information is extracted from the NXPowerLite tag data and added to the CSV output file:
Directory: Full path to the file
Name: Name of the file
Optimized: Shows if a file has been optimized by NXPowerLite or not - set to ‘Y’ for all files that have been optimized and left blank for any files that haven’t been optimized.
Version: The version of NXPowerLite that optimized the file.
Last Optimized Size: Size of the file in bytes when it was last optimized by NXPowerLite.
Current Size: Current size in bytes of the file.
Allow JPEG: Specifies if NXPowerLite was set to allow conversion of other images formats to JPEG inside Microsoft Office files.
Crop: Images that have been cropped inside Microsoft Office files still retain the missing/cropped areas of the images. This setting specifies if NXPowerLite was set to delete these hidden portions of images.
Flatten: Specifies if embedded documents inside Microsoft Office files were flattened.
Allow Resizing: Specifies if NXPowerLite was set to allow large images to be scaled down inside Microsoft Office files.
Delete Piece Info: Specifies whether private application data & marked content has been removed from PDF files.
DPI: Specifies the resolution used to control how much images inside PDF, Word and Excel files are resized.
Target Width and Target Height: Specifies the resolution used to control how much images inside PowerPoint files are resized.
JPEG Quality: Specifies the JPEG quality used when converting, resizing or optimizing JPEG images both standalone and images inside Office and PDF files. Shown as a number between 1 (low quality/high compression) and 9 (high quality/low compression)