Please note: NXPowerLite versions 7 & 8 works with versions of Lotus Notes up to and including v9.
NXPowerLite version 6 works with versions 8.5.3 and lower.
Scenario 1. Single user, path to "notes.ini" in the Registry
NXPowerLite's default behaviour assumes a single-user configuration of
Lotus Notes, where the path to the notes.ini file can be found in the
Registry in a value named "Path" under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus
\Notes\X" (where X is the version of Notes).
If no special options are passed to the NXPowerLite installer, and it
cannot find a "notes.ini" file by searching the Registry as described
above, Notes integration will not be installed.
If the path is in the Registry but points to the wrong "notes.ini" file,
Notes integration will be installed but will not work.
Scenario 2. Single user, path to "notes.ini" not in the Registry
The NXNOTESINI property can be used at the time of installation to tell the
NXPowerLite installer where the "notes.ini" file is located. For example:
NXPowerLiteSetup70_3.exe NXNOTESINI="c:\Lotus\Notes\Data\notes.ini"
As long as that file exists, Notes integration will be installed into the
specified "notes.ini" file.
Scenario 3. Multi-user, path to "notes.ini" in the Registry
The simplest option in a multi-user Notes configuration is to install NXPowerLite with the NXNOTESINI property set to "force". For example:
NXPowerLiteSetup70_3.exe NXNOTESINI=force
This assumes that each user has a value named "NotesIniPath" under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\Notes\X" (where X is the version of Notes). If this location is not found, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\Notes" is also searched.
Scenario 4. Multi-user, path to "notes.ini" not in the Registry
We have seen configurations where the NotesIniPath value under HKEY_CURRENT_USER does not point to the user's actual "notes.ini" file. If this is the case, the path to the "notes.ini" file must be specified on the command line when the Notes client is started (otherwise Notes will not start).
To allow for this possibility, there is another property that can be used at NXPowerLite installation time called NXNOTESSEARCH, which tells the NXPLNotesHelper application (described above) where to search for the path to the "notes.ini" file. This optionally allows the user's Desktop and Start menu to be searched for shortcuts to the Notes client. If a shortcut is found, and that shortcut explicitly specifies the path to a "" file, NXPLNotesHelper will add the necessary line to that file.
The NXNOTESSEARCH property is a comma-separated list of locations to search, where locations can be any of the following:
Searches under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\X" for the highest X which has a string value named NotesIniPath pointing to a file that actually exists.
Searches the user's Desktop non-recursively for shortcuts to Lotus Notes (nlnotes.exe) where a command-line argument specifies the location of the notes.ini file.
As desktop, only the search is on the user's Start menu and is recursive.
When a user logs in, each of the specified locations will be searched in turn. When it finds a path to a "notes.ini" file that exists, it will stop searching and install NXPowerLite integration into that file.
The NXNOTESSEARCH property must be used with NXNOTESINI=force, for example:
NXPowerLiteSetup70_3.exe NXNOTESINI=force NXNOTESSEARCH=desktop,startmenu,registry